I'm Ginko, a Mushishi.
Japanese Anime
I first chanced upon Mushishi at the bookstore when I was in my manga rave phase. Glad that's over cause that burned my wallet so bad. Anyhow, the volume did looked promising. An award seal was even there.
And with some good reviews I got from other otakus, I eventually leeched the whole series. As of the moment, I'm just at the second episode and my, what do I say? It's one of those animes you shouldn't miss.
"Steady lang" would be an appropriate description for the Mushishi experience. There are no acrtion-packed sequences, over the top drama, or even fanservice. The country atmosphere also adds to the relaxed mood.
Mushishi is one clean, pristine anime. It has high-end animation, incredible musical score and has themes that dig deep into the problem of human existence and of existence in itself.
One word of note though: it can be misjudged for being plain boring - but for a good reason. But if you're into high-end anime, this is for you.
Verdict: If you graduated with a Humanities degree, this anime is for you. If you appreciate zen, buddhism, or eastern existential philosphy, then maybe, this is for you.
Leeched from: piratebay.org
Fansubs by nizzk