"I will do it. I will become a famous doctor."
Japanese TV Drama
It wouldn't the first Japanese hospital drama. One word: Yamapi! Who would a JE fangirl (in this case a fanboy) wouldn't watch a Pi drama? Who wouldn't? Tell me!
Anyhoot, I've only seen the first episode and made me f*cking breathless. I'm not talking about Pi here so please let us put him aside for a while though it's hard.
It already made me think in so many levels. A fifteen year old getting an arm amputation? Hello?! The first episode is so jam-packed it placed the four major characters in so much drama I lost my breath.
And hell was the budget. This is everything a medical drama with qualities you can recognize from shows such as Grey's Anatomy, House MD or ER. But with this one, they Fly! This is a drama about doctors who fly to where they are needed (called the Dr. Heli faction). There were so many flying helicopter shots which could have cost the same we produce an entire teleserye. Pinagkagastosan grabe.
Verdict: Watch it! Even though you're not a Pi fangirl. There are just very few dramas coming out that have been well thought out and this is one of them. It will move your emotions guaranteed.
Info: d-addicts wiki
Leeched from: d-addicts.com
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