I finally understand... Father, you are a man with a large heart.
Japanese Tokusatsu Film
Like a huge Kamen Rider fan, I've been impatiently waiting for the Kiva movie to hit the torrents. Kiva, in all fairness, was a decent series unlike Kabuto and Hibiki (IMHO). However, what I got was a disappointment. Ok, not so much, but yeah, it didn't quite hit the bar.
I think the problem with me is that I keep forgetting that a Kamen Rider movie will always be that: Kamen Rider still - loose plots, bad acting, and a whole lot of other antics meant for children. I guess I was just hoping for something more - which now seems to be misdirected.
Kamen Rider movies are usuallya confusion of sorts: most of the times it does not know if it should stay faihful to the series' story or not. I've actually seen most of these movies recreate another world for the convicted Kamen Rider to run around with. I guess we can't really blame them for such movies are released in an awkward time: right in the middle of the series.
Basically what happened here was that I raised my expectations too high. Maybe it'dbe long before another Kamen Rider The Next would come along.
Verdict: If you watched Kamen Rider Kiva, then by all means watch it. If not, stay away.
Leeched from and Fansubs by #tvnihon
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