I feel love.
Thai Movie
This is a movie that's a lot of fun, only, it's for the way (way, way) younger generation. I don't even know why I watched it considering how old I am. Regarldess, the movie gave me mcuh youthful vigor - made me remember how fun it was being adolescent.
Nothing really special about this movie, definitely not an award-winner but it's very entertaining in the right amount: no excesses. It may not even have a moral to it: it's just a sugar-coated truthful account of adolescent love(s).
Throughout the 2 hours, you'll feel good inside - and light. Even the soundtrack is hip. I think this is a movie our youth should watch.
Verdict: It's so fun, you'f forget it was made for kids. Full of bittersweet exihibition of youth (mopre of sweet, actually).
Leeched from avistaz.org
Fansub by SiuSalukis and Kawaiwhitewolfette
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